
Spread the love of reading…The Read-a-Thon is a wonderful way for your child to talk about what they are reading, and a great time for your immediate family and friends to plan literacy adventures together. All that you ever want to know, and all the forms that you will ever need has been sent home MONDAY 2/26 with your child. Our Kindergarten/1st grade Pajama Dress-up day will be will be on Wednesday, March 6th. Our 2-3rd grade Pajama Dress-up day will be Wednesday, March 13th and our 4-5th grade Pajama Dress-up day will be Wednesday, March 20th.The three Tuesdays; MARCH 5th,12th, and 19th are the famous Turn Off TV Tuesday nights. Please make sure that you turn in your permission slip form by this WEDNESDAY, February 28th in order for your child to participate in being caught reading at home. We love catching FAIRBURN students reading their favorite books in the comfort of their own homes! Have a wonderful time going to the library, selecting books with your child and most importantly, enjoying lots of family reading time together. It’s guaranteed to be a great month of literacy, while helping to support our young readers that make Fairburn shine!

READATHON Schedule 2025

-February 24th Monday READATHON assembly & Paperwork going home

-February 25th Tuesday LITERACY NIGHT 6:00-6:45 auditorium (Parents) February 26th Wednesday TURN OFF TV Permission slips due by 2:45PM

-March 4th Tuesday TURN OFF TV TUESDAY Catch kids

-March 5th Wednesday PJ Day for TK-K-1 grades

-March 11th Tuesday TURN OFF TV TUESDAY Catch kids

-March 12th Wednesday PJ Day for 2-3 grades

-March 18th Tuesday TURN OFF TV TUESDAY Catch kids

-March 19th Wednesday PJ Day for 4-5 grades

-March 28th Friday Closing Readathon Assembly

Volunteers Wanted!

The READ-A-THON is coming and so is


Turn Off TV Tuesdays: The first three Tuesdays in the month of March is Turn Off TV Tuesday. We are challenging every Fairburn Family to turn their TVs off for one hour and read. We are looking for parents to volunteer to help catch students reading. We will make home visits from 6:45 -7:45 p.m. Contact Dot Plukas at [email protected] if interested.


Reading Logs